Environmental Innovations Limited

Environmental Services Advisory and Consultancy Services Water Safety/Security

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We are on a mission to tackle & prevent agricultural pollution and firewater surface water spills around the UK with our retrofittable pollution and firewater containment valves, also known as the Flapstopper™. Our Flapstopper™ valves are automated water pollution containment devices with mains or solar power options. We also offer local or remote controls that interface with existing BMS systems and can integrate to work alongside client's fire alarm systems and more. Our modular design fits into existing drainage systems and infrastructure causing minimum disruption, cost, and requirements of heavy lifting equipment or major work on the chamber. Refer to CIRIA c736 Guidance on tertiary spill containment and the EA’s PPG18 Guidance for managing firewater and major spillages and comply with the regulations today with our retrofittable technology.

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